Storehouse & Pantry

Two unique community outreach projects serving those in need in Banbridge and the surrounding area.

Local people, helping local people

Storehouse – Community Food Bank

Established in 2013, we are founded on Christian principles and are committed to working with people regardless of religious belief or non- belief.

At the Storehouse our fundamental ethos is to consistently demonstrate compassion and dignity. When a client attends one of our sessions we accept them with the utmostcompassion. It’s neither our place to judge an individual’s situation or comment on it, we are there to meet an immediate need and we do that with dignity and respect.  

We understand that very often for a client to actually come to the food bank it can be quite a traumatic journey and we are always mindful of the stigma and negative connotations associated with needing to use our service.

In the past year food parcels we have given out have directly impacted almost 600 local people, from newborn babies to pensioners.  

Food poverty in Banbridge is in many ways a hidden issue. Nobody wants to advertise the fact they’re struggling to put food on their family table tables or to give their children fresh fruit and vegetables, but the reality is it’s happening and with the increased costs of living is an increasing problem.

How does Storehouse work?

It runs on a referral system and those wishing to use the foodbank need to have a referral voucher from any of our referring partners. At present, these partners include:

  • GPs at Banbridge Group Surgery
  • Health Visitors
  • Social Workers
  • Surestart
  • Homestart
  • Community Advice – 028 4062 2201 or by email at
  • St Vincent de Paul Banbridge – 028 4066 2047,
    School Principals or Head of Pastoral Care

Bridge Pantry – Social Supermarket

This project exists to support people who are facing the difficult choices of either paying essential costs  or providing food for themselves and their family.

At The Bridge Pantry food isn’t free of charge as in the food bank, instead, it’s similar to an ordinary supermarket with a selection of goods offered in a retail-like environment at heavily discounted prices. You must be registered as a member with The Bridge Pantry to use it.

How does membership work?

Members have the opportunity to shop once per week in our reduced cost food shop for up to 3 months. The membership cost is only paid when you come to the shop for food. Payment must be made in cash at time of purchase.

Who can be a member?

Storehouse Community Food Bank clients will automatically be offered membership after their food bank support has been completed. Other households may be referred by local agencies such as Support Workers, Health Visitors, Social Workers etc.

For the first time we are now accepting self-referrals where you can contact us directly if you would like to be considered for membership.

To apply for membership you must:

  • Be at risk of, or currently experiencing food poverty
  • Live in the Banbridge/Rathfriland  area
  • Have a low disposable income
  • Be willing to discuss how this support will help you

Register your interest

To apply for membership please complete the form below or email

15 + 6 =

Help us in helping others

Support our projects

In recent years years we have seen a large increase in the number of families contacting us for help. Every donation no matter how small financially will make a huge difference to struggling families right here in Banbridge. We use the money to buy the foods which aren’t donated, nappies etc and fresh fruit & vegetables.

At The Bridge Pantry food isn’t free of charge as in the food bank, instead, it’s similar to an ordinary supermarket with a selection of goods offered in a retail-like environment at heavily discounted prices. You must be registered as a member with The Bridge Pantry to use it.

Financial Support

To make a financial contribution to The Storehouse Food Bank please use the link below. All donations are greatly appreciated and go specially to this work.

Food & Supply Support

The Storehouse is supported by people from all walks of life in our community. We welcome donations of all non-perishable food items from anyone willing to help. At this time we are in particular need of: tinned spaghetti, jam, pasta in sauce, instant noodles, diluting squash, toilet roll, and long life milk

Donations can be dropped off every Tuesday 12-1pm & Thursday 7-8pm at The Storehouse – 19-21 Church Square, Banbridge, BT32 4AP (formerly The Coach).

If this these times don’t suit you can always leave your donation with All4Pets on the Lurgan Road. (51B Church Street, Banbridge BT32 4AA)