Be Still . Read . Encounter . Apply . Devote

Interested In Getting Your Bread Journal? Email us here.

Let’s Journey the New Testament

We want to read through the New Testament together as a Grace Generation family, study text and letting it illuminate our lives. The Bible is full of words that bring hope, peace, salvation and freedom as it tells the story of God’s incredible love for the world that He created but which has sadly lost its way.

You are invited to join with many others to come closer to God as we develop a daily rhythm to read the New Testament together and spend time in His presence. Jesus declared himself to be the ‘bread of life’, so as we read His story from Matthew to Revelation let us feed our souls and ‘let the Word of Christ live in us richly, flooding us with all wisdom’ (Colossians 3:16).

So read each day with expectation that God will speak to you, challenge you and form you into the likeness of His son Jesus so that you will be salt and light in this world and a true citizen of Heaven’s Kingdom, bringing God’s Kingdom culture to earth.

Lets do this!


To help us study the Word we will use the ‘BREAD’ acronym to help slow down and delve deeper into the passage each day…

Be Still – Find a place where you can encounter God, ask him to fill the space and then take a minute in stillness. Focus on slowing your breathing down and calming your mind. Fix your eyes on Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time.

Read – Read through the passage for the day, if the video logo is there then also watch the short video on the YouVersion App. Read through the passage again slowly. Look for one verse that stands out, grabs your attention or interests you. Write out that verse in the read section.

Encounter – Taking your chosen verse begin to meditate on it. What comes to mind and how does it make you feel? What do you think God is trying to reveal through this verse and allow him to speak to your heart and mind. Write a short reflection on what you think he might be saying.

Apply – Now, turn your focus outwards, think about how you might be able to apply this to your day and write down the one thing you’re going to try and live out.

Devote – Finally, close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God. Ask that God would fill you afresh and commit your day to him.

The BREAD Journals

The BREAD journals have been designed exclusively for Grace Generation Church. 

These books will not only help you study the Bible but also journal the process. All the three editions in the set feature a page for each day of the month, allowing you to clearly ‘put down on paper’ your experience for that day. At the back of each book, you’ll find a 7 day ‘Prayer & Fasting’.

Interested In Getting Your Bread Journal? Email us here.


19-21 Church Square, Banbridge, BT32 4AP, Northern Ireland

© Grace Generation Church 2024.

19-21 Church Square
BT32 4AP
Northern Ireland
© Grace Generation Church 2024.