
We believe every woman has unique worth and value. We believe God has created each of us with special talents, gifts, and destiny.
Sisterhood is defined as: “Empathy that one woman (or company of women) feels for another. Empathy identifies with difficulty and creates a sense of loyalty. It is the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns”.
Sisterhood is a unique opportunity to gather as daughters of God for an evening packed with worship, teaching, friendship and lots of laughs. At Sisterhood we cheer one another on and celebrate the moments that matter to each one of us. Our door and our hearts are open and we love to welcome ‘newbies’ – why not ask your girlfriends to come along to our next event?

One Love, One Heart, One Sisterhood… She is one, She is many.

49-51 Church Street, Banbridge, BT32 4AA, Northern Ireland